Partitioning Rule


The setting of a parallel query is defined for parallel_mode=true in pgpool.conf.


The data type of each column is as follows.

TEXT Distributed database name
TEXT Schema name of database
TEXT Distributed table name
TEXT Column Name of Distributed key
TEXT[] List of row name of table that distributes data
TEXT[] List of type of row name
TEXT Function name that defines partitioning rule


The value is input to all columns and "Add" button is pushed.
Please enclose each element with a single quotation, and delimit each element by the comma about the column list and the type list of column.


Please click the data base name of the definition that wants to be updated. Please the value must be displayed in the input field and correct and push "Update" button. However, neither the data base name, the schema name nor the table name are revocable.


Please click the data base name of the definition that wants to be deleted. Please push "Delete" button. The confirmation dialog is displayed and push the "OK" button, please.