[pgpool-hackers: 2107] Re: testing tool

Sergey Kim skim at odin.com
Fri Mar 10 00:03:01 JST 2017

Yes, the tests that we are going to create will be covering HA too. Also they will include stress testing and issues that were discovered recently in pgpool.


From: Tatsuo Ishii <ishii at sraoss.co.jp>
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 5:13:21 PM
To: Sergey Kim
Cc: pgpool-hackers at pgpool.net
Subject: Re: testing tool

For the HA part of Pgpool-II, Usama is the most knowledgeable
developer. Usama, do you have any comment on this?

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan<http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php>
We, SRA OSS, Inc., as a total solution supplier of open source software, provide consulting, software support and training services, as well as supply the PostgreSQL ...


> Dear Tatsuo,
> according to the internal regulations and SDLC practices we started creating auto tests that validate logic of the HA that we've built. For sure the tests are vary but the solid batch of tests will be created for validation of the pgpool and it's failover schema. The tests will be created in java and scheduled to run by Jenkins.
> We can take into consideration your wishes regarding startup techniques of the tests with their "API" and share you the tests together with sources when the development is complete. Thus you will be able to use the artifacts and include them into your CI.  So they will be open-sourced. The better test coverage the higher the quality.
> The tests for instance can be adopted to run from bash script in manner which I shared you several days ago.
> Do you have any wishes or "requirements"?
> P/S: Right now I see we will be covering recent discovered issues #231 & #271.
> Sergey Kim,
> HA Architect.
> skim at odin.com
> ODIN Ingram Micro Cloud
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