[pgpool-general: 9336] Re: error in first stage of recovery

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Thu Feb 6 12:32:40 JST 2025

>>> Is it possible you started pgpool with a schema search_path
>>Sorry I meant PostgreSQL, not pgpool since pgpool_recovery is executed by PostgreSQL.
>>> which does not have the public schema?
> Not from what I can tell:
> [postgres@####### ~]$ psql -p 5433 #####
> psql (15.10)
> Type "help" for help.
> #####=# show search_path;
>    search_path
> -----------------
>  "$user", public
> (1 row)

Pgpool-II recover process connects to PostgreSQL as:

user = recovery_user in pgpool.conf
database = template1
host = backend_hostname (0 or 1 depending on which is the streaming replication primary)
port = backend_porthostname (0 or 1 depending on which is the streaming replication primary)

Please confirm.

>> BTW, are you sure that replication_mode_recovery_1st_stage.sh is the 
>> right script for you? It's for the native replication mode, not for 
>> the streaming replication mode.
> Ah, now here you may have me. I am using streaming replication mode, so should I be using recovery_1st_stage.sh instead?


> Will that have an impact on the pcp command?

I have not tested but as far as checking the script differences, I
think the answer is no.

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/

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