[pgpool-general: 9104] Another segmentation fault

Emond Papegaaij emond.papegaaij at gmail.com
Fri May 24 16:37:52 JST 2024


Last night, another one of our test runs failed with a core dump of pgpool.
At the moment of the crash, pgpool was part of a 3 node cluster. 3 vms all
running an instance of pgpool and and a postgresql database. The crash
happened on node 1 while setting up all 3 vms for the test that would
follow. This test is about upgrading docker, so during the preparation,
docker has to be downgraded. This requires all docker containers being
stopped, including the containers running pgpool and postgresql. Being a
test, we do not care about availability, only about execution time, so this
is done in parallel on all 3 vms. So on all 3 vms, pgpool and postgresql
are stopped simultaneously. I can understand that is a situation is
difficult to handle correctly in pgpool, but still it should not cause a
segmentation fault. I've attached the pgpool logs for the node that crashed
and the core dump. I do have logging from the other nodes as well, if
required. The crash happens at 01:01:00Z.

#0  connect_backend (sp=0x55803eb0a6b8, frontend=0x55803eb08768) at
#1  0x000055803ce3d02a in get_backend_connection (frontend=0x55803eb08768)
at protocol/child.c:2112
#2  0x000055803ce38fd5 in do_child (fds=0x55803eabea90) at
#3  0x000055803cdfea4c in fork_a_child (fds=0x55803eabea90, id=13) at
#4  0x000055803cdfde30 in PgpoolMain (discard_status=0 '\000',
clear_memcache_oidmaps=0 '\000') at main/pgpool_main.c:561
#5  0x000055803cdfb9e6 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7ffc8cdddda8) at

Best regards,
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