[pgpool-general: 9133] Re: Pgpool delegate IP is not reachable from the remote host

Bo Peng pengbo at sraoss.co.jp
Wed Jun 19 13:42:40 JST 2024


The default value of "if_up_cmd" is:

  /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev eth0 label eth0:0

If the network interface "eth0" exists on Pgpool-II servers,
the command may run successfully.

I think the default value of "if_up_cmd" was executed to bring up the VIP.

> Hello everyone.
> We have a pgpool & postgres setup made as per the given example
> <https://www.pgpool.net/docs/latest/en/html/example-cluster.html>
> We haven't configured the *if_up_cmd, if_down_cmd & **arping_cmd* in
> pgpool.conf
> (we commented it out on purpose). We enabled the *delegate_ip* and assigned
> a unused IP.
> While we bringing up the pgpool the log shows VIP is successfully UP via
> if_up_cmd, how is this happening? any default way is considering the
> if_up_cmd to bring the VIP?
> *2024-06-18 08:27:02.735: watchdog_utility pid 102493: LOG:  successfully
> acquired the delegate IP:""2024-06-18 08:27:02.735:
> watchdog_utility pid 102493: DETAIL:  'if_up_cmd' returned with
> success2024-06-18 08:27:02.735: watchdog pid 102378: LOG:  watchdog
> escalation process with pid: 102493 exit with SUCCESS.*
> NOTE: We run into some situation so that we disabled the if_* commands in
> the configuration and started pgpool, but VIP is getting acquired by the
> leader pgpool node even the if_* commands are not used in pgpool.conf file.
> Can anyone explain how the VIP works in pgpool watchdog
> Thank you
> Regards
> Mukesh Tanuku

Bo Peng <pengbo at sraoss.co.jp>
TEL: 03-5979-2701 FAX: 03-5979-2702
URL: https://www.sraoss.co.jp/

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