[pgpool-general: 8905] Re: pgpool forwarding database users/passwords

Tan Mientras tanimientras at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 20:30:08 JST 2023

pgadmin also fails to connect to other database than postgres/postgres (?)

On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 12:43 PM Tan Mientras <tanimientras at gmail.com> wrote:

> $ cat /opt/bitnami/pgpool/conf/pool_hba.conf
> host all all password
> local    all             all                            trust
> host     all             replica       all         trust
> host     all             postgres       all         scram-sha-256
> host     all             wide               all         trust
> host     all             pop_user           all         trust
> host     all             all                all         scram-sha-256
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 12:40 PM Tan Mientras <tanimientras at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Did you get the error when your application connects to pgpool or
>>> when you connect to pgpool using psql?
>> when the application (drupal site/php) connects to db.
>>> As you mentioned you are using bitnami docker image.
>>> Sorry, I am not familiar with bitnami docker image.
>>> Please make sure the setting was updated.
>> $ grep enable_pool_hba /opt/bitnami/pgpool/conf/pgpool.conf
>> enable_pool_hba = 'on'
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