[pgpool-general: 8169] Re: md5 fails to find pool_passwd update

Wolf Schwurack wolf at uen.org
Sat May 21 01:27:36 JST 2022

Never mind I forgot to reload pool_passwd

From: "pgpool-general-bounces at pgpool.net" <pgpool-general-bounces at pgpool.net> on behalf of Wolfgang Schwurack <wolf at uen.org>
Date: Friday, May 20, 2022 at 10:06 AM
To: "pgpool-general at pgpool.net" <pgpool-general at pgpool.net>
Subject: [pgpool-general: 8168] md5 fails to find pool_passwd update

I added a new user to postgres and updated pool_passwd file with the new user but when I run the command to test the new user fails to find the user in pool_passwd file. If I grep for the user in pool_passwd file it find the user.

PostgreSQL version = 13.6
PgPool version = pgpool-II-4.3.0
OS version = Ubuntu 20.04

postgres at pgprod-01:~$ psql -h wd-pgprod -p 9999 -U was -d lportal

psql: error: connection to server at "wd-pgprod" , port 9999 failed: FATAL:  md5 authentication failed

DETAIL:  pool_passwd file does not contain an entry for "was"

I grep for the user

postgres at pgprod-01:~$ grep was pool_passwd


I check for the user in postgres

postgres=# select rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid;
was                       | md525160d2ca30985214a68ad92b542a6ce

In pgpool.conf
# - Authentication -

enable_pool_hba = on
pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd'

pool_hba.conf file

host    lportal                 was             md5

List pool_passwd file

postgres at pgprod-01:~$ ls -l pool_passwd

lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres 26 Jul 28  2020 pool_passwd -> /usr/local/etc/pool_passwd

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