[pgpool-general: 8084] Re: delegate_IP and three nodes in cluster

Rozmus Andrzej Andrzej.Rozmus at asseco.pl
Thu Apr 14 18:06:43 JST 2022

Thank you for your response, it also turned out that i made a mistake in node_id files. Now it work's fine but let me ask if having only one pgpool node survived it is possible to force delegate_ip to stay on last node (other way than setting up it manually)? 
Best regards 

Andrzej Rozmus
Starszy Technolog
Departament Systemów Administracji Rządowej
Dział Ministerstwo Finansów
Asseco Poland S.A.
ul. Branickiego 13
02-972 Warszawa
tel. kom. +48 502 270 059
andrzej.rozmus at asseco.pl

-----Original Message-----
From: Bo Peng <pengbo at sraoss.co.jp> 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 10:58 AM
To: Rozmus Andrzej <Andrzej.Rozmus at asseco.pl>
Cc: pgpool-general at pgpool.net; Wierzbicki Sebastian <sebastian.wierzbicki at asseco.pl>
Subject: Re: [pgpool-general: 8082] delegate_IP and three nodes in cluster


> I set up three-node cluster and I encountered problem with setting up vip address (delegate_IP) during service startup - although I can set it up manually later using the same command like in "if_up_cmd" parameter. Below i attach details of my configuration (watchdog section):

You are configuring three watchdog nodes.
If you start only one pgpool, vip will not be assigned, because quorum doesn't exist.
Two or more running pgpool nodes are required.


> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> # - Enabling -
> use_watchdog = on
> # -Connection to up stream servers -
> trusted_servers = ''
> #ping_path = '/bin'
> # - Watchdog communication Settings -
> hostname0 = 'pgs13-1'
> wd_port0 = 9000
> pgpool_port0 = 5433
> hostname1 = 'pgs13-2'
> wd_port1 = 9000
> pgpool_port1 = 5433
> hostname2 = 'pgs13-3'
> wd_port2 = 9000
> pgpool_port2 = 5433
> #wd_priority = 1
> #wd_authkey = ''
> #wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
> # - Virtual IP control Setting -
> delegate_IP = ''
> if_cmd_path = '/sbin'
> if_up_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add dev eth0 label eth0:0'
> if_down_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr del dev eth0'
> arping_path = '/usr/sbin'
> arping_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arping -U -w 1 -I eth0'
> # - Behaivor on escalation Setting -
> clear_memqcache_on_escalation = on
> #wd_escalation_command = ''
> #wd_de_escalation_command = ''
> # - Watchdog consensus settings for failover -
> failover_when_quorum_exists = on
> failover_require_consensus = on
> allow_multiple_failover_requests_from_node = off 
> enable_consensus_with_half_votes = off
> # - Watchdog cluster membership settings for quorum computation -
> wd_remove_shutdown_nodes = off
> #wd_lost_node_removal_timeout = 0s
> #wd_no_show_node_removal_timeout = 0s
> # - Lifecheck Setting -
> # -- common --
> wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = 'any'
> wd_lifecheck_method = 'heartbeat'
> #wd_interval = 10
> # -- heartbeat mode --
> heartbeat_hostname0 = 'pgs13-1'
> heartbeat_port0 = 9694
> heartbeat_device0 = ''
> heartbeat_hostname1 = 'pgs13-2'
> heartbeat_port1 = 9694
> heartbeat_device1 = ''
> heartbeat_hostname2 = 'pgs13-3'
> heartbeat_port2 = 9694
> heartbeat_device2 = ''
> #wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2
> #wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30
> # -- query mode --
> #wd_life_point = 3
> #wd_lifecheck_query = 'SELECT 1'
> #wd_lifecheck_dbname = ''
> #wd_lifecheck_user = ''
> #wd_lifecheck_password = ''
> ################################################################
> When i comment last node in "Watchdog Communication Settings" section 
> to
> #hostname2 = 'pgs13-3'
> #wd_port2 = 9000
> #pgpool_port2 = 5433
> and change
> enable_consensus_with_half_votes = off to 
> enable_consensus_with_half_votes = on
> everything works fine - pgpool service starts and i see delegate IP. Do you have any idea what might be a cause of such problem? Version of my pgpool is 4.3.1 (tamahomeboshi) installed from official postgresql repository for SLES 15. I checked logs but i don't see any errors...?
> Thanks in advance for help.
> Best Regards
> Andrzej Rozmus
> Starszy Technolog
> Departament Systemów Administracji Rządowej Dział Ministerstwo 
> Finansów Zespół Projektowy AIS/AES Asseco Poland S.A.
> ul. Branickiego 13
> 02-972 Warszawa
> tel. kom. +48 502 270 059
> andrzej.rozmus at asseco.pl

Bo Peng <pengbo at sraoss.co.jp>
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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