[pgpool-committers: 8038] pgpool: Feature: Import PostgreSQL 14 beta2 new parser.

Bo Peng pengbo at sraoss.co.jp
Mon Sep 27 23:50:26 JST 2021

Feature: Import PostgreSQL 14 beta2 new parser.

Major changes of PostgreSQL 14 parser include:

- Allow an alias to be used to a JOIN ... USING

  SELECT ... FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (a, b, c) AS x

- Allow DISTINCT to be added to GROUP BY

  SELECT c1, max(c2) FROM t1 GROUP BY DISTINCT c1;

- New SEARCH and CYCLE clauses for common table expressions



Modified Files
src/include/parser/keywords.h                      |     6 +-
src/include/parser/kwlist.h                        |   910 +-
src/include/parser/kwlist_d.h                      |   235 +-
src/include/parser/makefuncs.h                     |     7 +-
src/include/parser/nodes.h                         |    20 +-
src/include/parser/parsenodes.h                    |   225 +-
src/include/parser/parser.h                        |    33 +-
src/include/parser/pg_class.h                      |    36 +-
src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h              |    69 +-
src/include/parser/pg_list.h                       |   189 +-
src/include/parser/pg_trigger.h                    |    37 +-
src/include/parser/pg_wchar.h                      |    72 +-
src/include/parser/primnodes.h                     |   101 +-
src/include/parser/scansup.h                       |     9 +-
src/parser/copyfuncs.c                             |   185 +-
src/parser/gram.c                                  | 62972 ++++++++++---------
src/parser/gram.h                                  |  1777 +-
src/parser/gram.y                                  |  2516 +-
src/parser/gram_minimal.c                          | 62658 +++++++++---------
src/parser/gram_minimal.h                          |  1777 +-
src/parser/gram_minimal.y                          |  2516 +-
src/parser/gram_template.y                         |  2516 +-
src/parser/keywords.c                              |    21 +-
src/parser/list.c                                  |    47 +-
src/parser/makefuncs.c                             |    15 +-
src/parser/outfuncs.c                              |    63 +-
src/parser/parser.c                                |    35 +-
src/parser/scan.c                                  |     6 +-
src/parser/scan.l                                  |     6 +-
src/parser/scansup.c                               |   113 +-
src/parser/snprintf.c                              |     2 +-
src/parser/wchar.c                                 |   546 +-
src/protocol/pool_process_query.c                  |     2 +-
src/protocol/pool_proto_modules.c                  |     4 +-
src/rewrite/pool_timestamp.c                       |     2 +-
.../tests/010.rewrite_timestamp/timestamp/main.c   |     2 +-
36 files changed, 72223 insertions(+), 67507 deletions(-)

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