[pgpool-committers: 5052] Re: pgpool: Feature: Add SCRAM and Certificate authentication support

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Fri Aug 17 09:38:08 JST 2018


In this commit I see below in main/main.c:

//#ifdef USE_SSL
//	/* global ssl init */
//	OPENSSL_init_ssl(0, NULL);
//	SSL_library_init();
//	SSL_load_error_strings();
//#endif /* USE_SSL */

Can we remove the code safely or are you still working on this part?

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

From: Muhammad Usama <m.usama at gmail.com>
Subject: [pgpool-committers: 5051] pgpool: Feature: Add SCRAM and Certificate authentication support
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 16:45:03 +0000
Message-ID: <E1fqLOR-0002Yf-AY at gothos.postgresql.org>

> Feature: Add SCRAM and Certificate authentication support
> New feature to add scram and cert authentication method support in Pgpool-II.
> Apart from supporting the new authentication methods the commit also includes
> the following enhancements and changes in the authentication framework
> of Pgpool-II
> Different auth methods for frontend and backend for user session
> ================================================================
> Now it possible to use different authentication method for client
> application and backend PostgreSQL servers.
> For example, a client application can use scram-sha-256 to connect to Pgpool-II
> which in turn can use trust or md5 authentication to connect to
> PostgreSQL backend for the same session.
> Use MD5 and SCRAM without pool_passwd
> =====================================
> New configuration parameter allow_clear_text_frontend_auth, enables the Pgpool-II
> to use clear-text-password authentication with frontend clients when pool_passwd
> file does not contains the password for the connecting user.
> For example: suppose PostgreSQL servers has a user named "some_user" which can
> connect to database using SCRAM authentication, Now for this "some_user" to
> connect to PostgreSQL using SCRAM through Pgpool-II we must have the some_user's
> password stored in the pool_passwd file, but if in some case when pool_passwd does
> not have the entry of "some_user" and allow_clear_text_frontend_auth is enabled
> in the pgpool.conf then Pgpool-II will ask the connecting frontend to use
> clear-text-password auth method for authentication, and after receiving the
> password from the client, Pgpool-II will use that password to authenticate with
> backend using the required SCRAM auth.
> Note: allow_clear_text_frontend_auth only works when pool_hba.conf is not enabled.
> Encrypted passwords in pool_passwd file
> =======================================
> Since the SCRAM authentication method explicitly guards against the
> man-in-middle type attacks, so to use such authentication methods Pgpool-II
> requires the PostgreSQL user password to authenticate with the backend.
> But as storing the clear text password in the "pool_passwd" file is never a good
> idea, so now you can store the AES256-CBC encrypted password in the "pool_passwd".
> To store the AES encrypted password in the "pool_passwd" the password is first
> encrypted using the AES256 encryption with the user provided key and then the
> encrypted password is base64 encoded and AES prefix is added to
> the encoded string.
> New pg_enc utility to create encrypted passwords
> ================================================
> A new utility pg_enc is added to create AES encrypted passwords. The utility
> works similar in most ways as pg_md5 utility, with a some small differences,
> pg_enc also requires the key for encrypting the password entries. later that
> same key is required by Pgpool-II to decrypt the passwords to be used for
> authentication.
> Note: Pgpool-II must be build with ssl (--with-openssl) support to use
> this encrypted password feature.
> Providing encryption key to Pgpool-II
> =====================================
> If you have AES encrypted passwords stored in the pool_passwd file, then
> Pgpool-II will require the decryption key to decrypt the passwords before
> using them, Pgpool-II tries to read the decryption key at startup from
> the pgpoolkey file.
> By default the Pgpool-II will look for the pgpoolkey file in user's home
> directory or the file referenced by environment variable PGPOOLKEYFILE.
> You can also specify the key file using the (-k, --key-file=KEY_FILE)
> command line argument to the Pgpool-II binary.
> Encrypted Passwords in pgpool.conf
> ==================================
> The commit also allows to specify the AES encrypted password in the pgpool.conf
> file for healh_check_user, sr_check_user, wd_lifecheck_user and recovery_user
> users, Additionally if the password field for any of these users is left blank
> in pgpool conf then Pgpool-II will first try to get the password for that user
> from pool_passwd file before using the empty password for the connection.
> So now pgpool.conf can be made password free and single pool_passwd file can be
> used to store all passwords for internal and external user connection
> Documentation updates and regression test cases for the
> feature are also part of the commit.
> Thanks to jesperpedersen <jesper.pedersen at redhat.com> for helping
> in documentation and testing for the feature
> Branch
> ------
> master
> Details
> -------
> https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb?p=pgpool2.git;a=commitdiff;h=26446126f36dcd34ea9032ac934aafe63acc0eee
> Modified Files
> --------------
> Makefile.in                                        |   43 +-
> aclocal.m4                                         |  203 +-
> configure                                          |  261 +--
> configure.ac                                       |    2 +-
> doc.ja/Makefile.in                                 |   24 +-
> doc.ja/src/Makefile.in                             |   24 +-
> doc.ja/src/sgml/Makefile.in                        |   24 +-
> doc/Makefile.in                                    |   24 +-
> doc/src/Makefile.in                                |   24 +-
> doc/src/sgml/Makefile.in                           |   24 +-
> doc/src/sgml/client-auth.sgml                      |  231 +-
> doc/src/sgml/connection-settings.sgml              |   32 +
> doc/src/sgml/healthcheck.sgml                      |   23 +
> doc/src/sgml/online-recovery.sgml                  |   24 +
> doc/src/sgml/ref/allfiles.sgml                     |    1 +
> doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_enc.sgml                       |  165 ++
> doc/src/sgml/reference.sgml                        |    1 +
> doc/src/sgml/stream-check.sgml                     |   23 +
> doc/src/sgml/watchdog.sgml                         |   27 +-
> src/Makefile.am                                    |    5 +
> src/Makefile.in                                    |   45 +-
> src/auth/auth-scram.c                              | 1653 ++++++++++++++
> src/auth/pool_auth.c                               | 1674 +++++++++++---
> src/auth/pool_hba.c                                |   87 +-
> src/auth/pool_passwd.c                             |  377 +++-
> src/config/pool_config_variables.c                 |    9 +
> src/include/Makefile.in                            |   29 +-
> src/include/auth/md5.h                             |    1 -
> src/include/auth/pool_hba.h                        |   10 +-
> src/include/auth/pool_passwd.h                     |   43 +-
> src/include/auth/scram-common.h                    |   93 +
> src/include/auth/scram.h                           |   65 +
> src/include/config.h.in                            |    3 +
> src/include/pool.h                                 |   21 +-
> src/include/pool_config.h                          |    8 +-
> src/include/pool_type.h                            |   13 +-
> src/include/utils/base64.h                         |   19 +
> src/include/utils/sha2.h                           |  116 +
> src/include/utils/ssl_utils.h                      |   34 +
> src/include/watchdog/wd_utils.h                    |    7 +-
> src/libs/Makefile.in                               |   24 +-
> src/libs/pcp/Makefile.in                           |   25 +-
> src/main/health_check.c                            |    8 +-
> src/main/main.c                                    |   86 +-
> src/main/pgpool_main.c                             |   16 +-
> src/parser/Makefile.in                             |   25 +-
> src/pcp_con/recovery.c                             |   27 +-
> src/protocol/child.c                               |  227 +-
> src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample                      |   20 +-
> src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-logical              |   18 +-
> src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave         |   17 +
> src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication          |   17 +
> src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream               |   16 +
> src/sample/pool_hba.conf.sample                    |    4 +-
> src/streaming_replication/pool_worker_child.c      |   10 +-
> src/test/pgpool_setup                              |   34 +-
> .../020.allow_clear_text_frontend_auth/test.sh     |  104 +
> .../tests/021.pool_passwd_auth/pool_hba.conf       |   71 +
> .../regression/tests/021.pool_passwd_auth/test.sh  |  111 +
> .../022.pool_passwd_alternative_auth/pool_hba.conf |   71 +
> .../tests/022.pool_passwd_alternative_auth/test.sh |  112 +
> src/tools/Makefile.am                              |    2 +-
> src/tools/Makefile.in                              |   27 +-
> src/tools/pcp/Makefile.in                          |   24 +-
> src/tools/pgenc/Makefile.am                        |   54 +
> src/tools/pgenc/Makefile.in                        |  687 ++++++
> src/tools/pgenc/pg_enc.c                           |  449 ++++
> src/tools/pgmd5/Makefile.in                        |   24 +-
> src/tools/pgmd5/pool_config.c                      | 2318 +-------------------
> src/utils/base64.c                                 |  196 ++
> src/utils/pool_process_reporting.c                 |    5 +
> src/utils/pool_ssl.c                               |  350 ++-
> src/utils/scram-common.c                           |  238 ++
> src/utils/sha2.c                                   |  999 +++++++++
> src/utils/ssl_utils.c                              |  248 +++
> src/watchdog/Makefile.in                           |   24 +-
> src/watchdog/watchdog.c                            |    1 +
> src/watchdog/wd_json_data.c                        |    3 +
> src/watchdog/wd_lifecheck.c                        |    8 +-
> src/watchdog/wd_utils.c                            |   32 +-
> 80 files changed, 8747 insertions(+), 3477 deletions(-)

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