[pgpool-committers: 1310] pgpool: Fix inappropriate shared memory allocation size for clock hand.

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Sat Oct 26 11:26:37 JST 2013

Fix inappropriate shared memory allocation size for clock hand.

The memory for clock hand was allocated as
sizeof(pool_fsmm_clock_hand)) which is 8 bytes long because the
variable is declared as:

static int *pool_fsmm_clock_hand;

This is plain wrong. The memory size actually needed is only 4 bytes,
which is sizeof(*pool_fsmm_clock_hand)). In other word, the bug
allocated unnecessary 4 bytes, which did nothing bd for the execution
of program. But a bug is a bug.

Per covery report "1111476 Wrong sizeof argument"



Modified Files
src/query_cache/pool_memqcache.c |    2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

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