[pgpool-committers: 53] pgpool: Allow to have private cache of master node id. This is neccesar

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Tue Feb 28 19:08:02 JST 2012

Allow to have private cache of master node id. This is neccesary for
MASTER_CONNECTION macro and friends because when master goes down it
will immediately update the info on shared memory, which cause running
pgpool child to look into NULL pointer because the process does not
connect to the new master yet. The private cache returns the old
master node id and will avoid the situation. Per bug report



Modified Files
child.c              |    4 +++-
main.c               |    1 +
pool.h               |    1 +
pool_query_context.c |    6 +++++-
4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

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