[Pgpool-general] more than one pgpool in replication?

Andre Felipe Machado andremachado at techforce.com.br
Tue Nov 23 01:25:31 UTC 2010

Is it possible to have something 2 replicators over the same backends (defining
the same starting master backendA), like

  phpweb1                       phpweb2
   |                                |
  poolreplicator1            poolreplicator2
     |                                  | 
     |         -------------------------|
     |         |                        |
     |-----------------------------     |
     |         |                  |     |
      backendA                     backendB

Or even more, could it have a hw load balancer between the phpwebs and the
replicators, balancing over them (removing the spof and spreading load)?
Maybe, using a stonith approach for failover events, could avoid split brain.

Are these ideas viable with pgpool2?
Andre Felipe

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