

pcp_watchdog_info --  displays the watchdog status of the Pgpool-II


pcp_watchdog_info [options...] [watchdog_id]


pcp_watchdog_info displays the information on the given node ID.


-n watcgdog_id

The index of other Pgpool-II to get information for.

Index 0 gets one's self watchdog information.

If omitted then gets information of all watchdog nodes.

Other options

See pcp_common_options.


Here is an example output:

$ pcp_watchdog_info -h localhost -p 9898 -U postgres 
3 YES server1:9999 Linux server1.localdomain server1

server1:9999 Linux server1.localdomain server1 9999 9000 4 MASTER
server2:9999 Linux server2.localdomain server2 9999 9000 7 STANDBY
server3:9999 Linux server3.localdomain server3 9999 9000 7 STANDBY

The result is in the following order:

    The first output line describes the watchdog cluster information:

    1. Total watchdog nodes in the cluster
    2. Local node's escalation status
    3. Master node name
    4. Master node host

    Next is the list of watchdog nodes:

    1. node name
    2. hostname
    3. pgpool port
    4. watchdog port
    5. current node state
    6. current node state name

The --verbose option can help understand the output. For example:

$ pcp_watchdog_info -h localhost -p 9898 -U pgpool -v
Watchdog Cluster Information 
Total Nodes          : 3
Remote Nodes         : 2
Quorum state         : QUORUM EXIST
Alive Remote Nodes   : 2
Local node escalation: YES
Master Node Name     : server1:9999 Linux server1.localdomain
Master Host Name     : server1

Watchdog Node Information 
Node Name      : server1:9999 Linux server1.localdomain
Host Name      : server1
Delegate IP    :
Pgpool port    : 9999
Watchdog port  : 9000
Node priority  : 1
Status         : 4
Status Name    : MASTER

Node Name      : server2:9999 Linux server2.localdomain
Host Name      : server2
Delegate IP    :
Pgpool port    : 9999
Watchdog port  : 9000
Node priority  : 1
Status         : 7
Status Name    : STANDBY

Node Name      : server3:9999 Linux server3.localdomain
Host Name      : server3
Delegate IP    :
Pgpool port    : 9999
Watchdog port  : 9000
Node priority  : 1
Status         : 7
Status Name    : STANDBY