IV. Reference

This part contains reference information for the Pgpool-II.

The reference entries are also available as traditional "man" pages.

Table of Contents
I. Server commands
pgpool --  Pgpool-II main server
II. PCP commands
pcp_common_options --  common options used in PCP commands
pcp_node_count --  displays the total number of database nodes
pcp_node_info --  displays the information on the given node ID
pcp_health_check_stats --  displays health check statistics data on given node ID
pcp_watchdog_info --  displays the watchdog status of the Pgpool-II
pcp_proc_count --  displays the list of Pgpool-II children process IDs
pcp_proc_info --  displays the information on the given Pgpool-II child process ID
pcp_pool_status --  displays the parameter values as defined in pgpool.conf
pcp_detach_node --  detaches the given node from Pgpool-II. Existing connections to Pgpool-II are forced to be disconnected.
pcp_attach_node --  attaches the given node to Pgpool-II.
pcp_promote_node --  promotes the given node as new main to Pgpool-II
pcp_stop_pgpool --  terminates the Pgpool-II process
pcp_reload_config --  reload pgpool-II config file
pcp_recovery_node --  attaches the given backend node with recovery
pcp_log_rotate --  rotates the Pgpool-II's log file
pcp_invalidate_query_cache --  invalidate query cache contents
III. Other commands
pg_md5 --  produces encrypted password in md5
pg_enc --  AES256 password encryption utility
pgproto --  tests PostgreSQL or any other servers that understand the frontend/backend protocol.
pgpool_setup --  Create a temporary installation of Pgpool-II cluster
watchdog_setup --  Create a temporary installation of Pgpool-II clusters with watchdog
wd_cli --  Watchdog Command Line Interface (CLI) utility for the external health-check system integration.
IV. SQL type commands
PGPOOL SHOW -- show the value of a configuration parameter
PGPOOL SET -- change a configuration parameter
PGPOOL SET CACHE -- delete query cache
PGPOOL RESET -- restore the value of a configuration parameter to the default value
SHOW POOL STATUS --  sends back the list of configuration parameters with their name, value, and description
SHOW POOL NODES --  sends back a list of all configured nodes
SHOW POOL_PROCESSES --  sends back a list of all Pgpool-II processes waiting for connections and dealing with a connection
SHOW POOL_POOLS --  sends back a list of pools handled by Pgpool-II.
SHOW POOL_VERSION --  displays a string containing the Pgpool-II release number.
SHOW POOL_CACHE --  displays cache storage statistics
SHOW POOL_HEALTH_CHECK_STATS --  show health check statistics data
SHOW POOL_BACKEND_STATS --  show backend SQL command statistics
V. pgpool_adm extension
pgpool_adm_pcp_node_info --  a function to display the information on the given node ID
pgpool_adm_pcp_health_check_stats --  a function to display health check statistics data on given node ID
pgpool_adm_pcp_pool_status --  a function to retrieves parameters in pgpool.conf.
pgpool_adm_pcp_node_count --  a function to retrieves number of backend nodes.
pgpool_adm_pcp_attach_node --  a function to attach given node ID
pgpool_adm_pcp_detach_node --  a function to detach given node ID