

pcp_proc_info --  displays the information on the given Pgpool-II child process ID


pcp_proc_info [options...] [processid]


pcp_proc_info displays the information on the given Pgpool-II child process ID.



PID of Pgpool-II child process.

Other options

See pcp_common_options.


Here is an example output:

    $ pcp_proc_info -p 11001
    test t-ishii 2018-05-09 11:10:16 2018-05-09 11:10:40 3 0 1 4157 1
    test t-ishii 2018-05-09 11:10:16 2018-05-09 11:10:40 3 0 1 4158 1

The result is in the following order:

    1. connected database name
    2. connected user name
    3. process start-up timestamp
    4. connection created timestamp
    5. protocol major version
    6. protocol minor version
    7. connection-reuse counter
    8. PostgreSQL backend process id
    9. 1 if frontend conncted 0 if not

If there is no connection to the backends, nothing will be displayed. If there are multiple connections, one connection's information will be displayed on each line multiple times.

The --verbose option can help understand the output. For example:

   $ pcp_proc_info -p 11001 --verbose
   Database     : test
   Username     : t-ishii
   Start time   : 2018-05-09 11:10:16
   Creation time: 2018-05-09 11:10:40
   Major        : 3
   Minor        : 0
   Counter      : 1
   Backend PID  : 4157
   Connected    : 1
   Database     : test
   Username     : t-ishii
   Start time   : 2018-05-09 11:10:16
   Creation time: 2018-05-09 11:10:40
   Major        : 3
   Minor        : 0
   Counter      : 1
   Backend PID  : 4158
   Connected    : 1