# ---------------------------- # pgPool-II configuration file # ---------------------------- # # This file consists of lines of the form: # # name = value # # Whitespace may be used. Comments are introduced with "#" anywhere on a line. # The complete list of parameter names and allowed values can be found in the # pgPool-II documentation. # # This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a SIGHUP # signal. If you edit the file on a running system, you have to SIGHUP the # server for the changes to take effect, or use "pgpool reload". Some # parameters, which are marked below, require a server shutdown and restart to # take effect. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONNECTIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - pgpool Connection Settings - listen_addresses = '*' # Host name or IP address to listen on: # '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections # (change requires restart) port = 5432 # Port number # (change requires restart) unix_socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql' # Unix domain socket path # The Debian package defaults to # /var/run/postgresql # (change requires restart) listen_backlog_multiplier = 2 # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to # num_init_children * listen_backlog_multiplier. # (change requires restart) serialize_accept = off # whether to serialize accept() call to avoid thundering herd problem # (change requires restart) reserved_connections = 0 # Number of reserved connections. # Pgpool-II does not accept connections if over # num_init_chidlren - reserved_connections. # - pgpool Communication Manager Connection Settings - pcp_listen_addresses = '*' # Host name or IP address for pcp process to listen on: # '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections # (change requires restart) pcp_port = 9898 # Port number for pcp # (change requires restart) pcp_socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql' # Unix domain socket path for pcp # The Debian package defaults to # /var/run/postgresql # (change requires restart) # - Backend Connection Settings - backend_hostname0 = '' backend_port0 = 5432 backend_weight0 = 1 backend_data_directory0 = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/' backend_flag0 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER' backend_application_name0 = 'tkh-server-f30c63b399' backend_hostname1 = '' backend_port1 = 5432 backend_weight1 = 1 backend_data_directory1 = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/' backend_flag1 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER' backend_application_name1 = 'tkh-server-474c1139c7' backend_hostname2 = '' backend_port2 = 5432 backend_weight2 = 1 backend_data_directory2 = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/' backend_flag2 = 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER' backend_application_name2 = 'tkh-server-2871131ebe' # - Authentication - enable_pool_hba = off # Use pool_hba.conf for client authentication pool_passwd = 'pool_passwd' # File name of pool_passwd for md5 authentication. # "" disables pool_passwd. # (change requires restart) authentication_timeout = 60 # Delay in seconds to complete client authentication # 0 means no timeout. allow_clear_text_frontend_auth = off # Allow Pgpool-II to use clear text password authentication # with clients, when pool_passwd does not # contain the user password # - SSL Connections - ssl = off # Enable SSL support # (change requires restart) #ssl_key = './server.key' # Path to the SSL private key file # (change requires restart) #ssl_cert = './server.cert' # Path to the SSL public certificate file # (change requires restart) #ssl_ca_cert = '' # Path to a single PEM format file # containing CA root certificate(s) # (change requires restart) #ssl_ca_cert_dir = '' # Directory containing CA root certificate(s) # (change requires restart) ssl_ciphers = 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+3DES:!aNULL' # Allowed SSL ciphers # (change requires restart) ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = off # Use server's SSL cipher preferences, # rather than the client's # (change requires restart) ssl_ecdh_curve = 'prime256v1' # Name of the curve to use in ECDH key exchange ssl_dh_params_file = '' # Name of the file containing Diffie-Hellman parameters used # for so-called ephemeral DH family of SSL cipher. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # POOLS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - Concurrent session and pool size - num_init_children = 32 # Number of concurrent sessions allowed # (change requires restart) max_pool = 4 # Number of connection pool caches per connection # (change requires restart) # - Life time - child_life_time = 300 # Pool exits after being idle for this many seconds child_max_connections = 0 # Pool exits after receiving that many connections # 0 means no exit connection_life_time = 0 # Connection to backend closes after being idle for this many seconds # 0 means no close client_idle_limit = 0 # Client is disconnected after being idle for that many seconds # (even inside an explicit transactions!) # 0 means no disconnection #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LOGS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - Where to log - log_destination = 'stderr' # Where to log # Valid values are combinations of stderr, # and syslog. Default to stderr. # - What to log - log_line_prefix = '%t: pid %p: ' # printf-style string to output at beginning of each log line. log_connections = on # Log connections log_hostname = on # Hostname will be shown in ps status # and in logs if connections are logged log_statement = off # Log all statements log_per_node_statement = off # Log all statements # with node and backend informations log_client_messages = off # Log any client messages log_standby_delay = 'none' # Log standby delay # Valid values are combinations of always, # if_over_threshold, none # - Syslog specific - syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0' # Syslog local facility. Default to LOCAL0 syslog_ident = 'pgpool' # Syslog program identification string # Default to 'pgpool' # - Debug - log_error_verbosity = default # terse, default, or verbose messages client_min_messages = notice # values in order of decreasing detail: # debug5 # debug4 # debug3 # debug2 # debug1 # log # notice # warning # error log_min_messages = notice # values in order of decreasing detail: # debug5 # debug4 # debug3 # debug2 # debug1 # info # notice # warning # error # log # fatal # panic #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FILE LOCATIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pid_file_name = '/var/run/postgresql/pgpool.pid' # PID file name # Can be specified as relative to the" # location of pgpool.conf file or # as an absolute path # (change requires restart) logdir = '/var/run/postgresql' # Directory of pgPool status file # (change requires restart) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONNECTION POOLING #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ connection_cache = on # Activate connection pools # (change requires restart) # Semicolon separated list of queries # to be issued at the end of a session # The default is for 8.3 and later reset_query_list = 'ABORT; DISCARD ALL' # The following one is for 8.2 and before #reset_query_list = 'ABORT; RESET ALL; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # REPLICATION MODE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ replication_mode = off # Activate replication mode # (change requires restart) replicate_select = off # Replicate SELECT statements # when in replication mode # replicate_select is higher priority than # load_balance_mode. insert_lock = on # Automatically locks a dummy row or a table # with INSERT statements to keep SERIAL data # consistency # Without SERIAL, no lock will be issued lobj_lock_table = '' # When rewriting lo_creat command in # replication mode, specify table name to # lock # - Degenerate handling - replication_stop_on_mismatch = off # On disagreement with the packet kind # sent from backend, degenerate the node # which is most likely "minority" # If off, just force to exit this session failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch = off # On disagreement with the number of affected # tuples in UPDATE/DELETE queries, then # degenerate the node which is most likely # "minority". # If off, just abort the transaction to # keep the consistency #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LOAD BALANCING MODE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ load_balance_mode = off # Activate load balancing mode # (change requires restart) ignore_leading_white_space = on # Ignore leading white spaces of each query read_only_function_list = '' # Comma separated list of function names # that don't write to database # Regexp are accepted write_function_list = 'currval,lastval,nextval,setval' # Comma separated list of function names # that write to database # Regexp are accepted primary_routing_query_pattern = '' # Semicolon separated list of query patterns # that should be sent to primary node # Regexp are accepted # valid for streaming replicaton mode only. database_redirect_preference_list = '' # comma separated list of pairs of database and node id. # example: postgres:primary,mydb[0-4]:1,mydb[5-9]:2' # valid for streaming replicaton mode only. app_name_redirect_preference_list = '' # comma separated list of pairs of app name and node id. # example: 'psql:primary,myapp[0-4]:1,myapp[5-9]:standby' # valid for streaming replicaton mode only. allow_sql_comments = off # if on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or # query cache is possible. # If off, SQL comments effectively prevent the judgment # (pre 3.4 behavior). disable_load_balance_on_write = 'transaction' # Load balance behavior when write query is issued # in an explicit transaction. # Note that any query not in an explicit transaction # is not affected by the parameter. # 'transaction' (the default): if a write query is issued, # subsequent read queries will not be load balanced # until the transaction ends. # 'trans_transaction': if a write query is issued, # subsequent read queries in an explicit transaction # will not be load balanced until the session ends. # 'always': if a write query is issued, read queries will # not be load balanced until the session ends. statement_level_load_balance = off # Enables statement level load balancing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MASTER/SLAVE MODE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ backend_clustering_mode = 'streaming_replication' # - Streaming - sr_check_period = 5 # Streaming replication check period # Disabled (0) by default sr_check_user = 'keyhub' # Streaming replication check user # This is necessary even if you disable # streaming replication delay check with # sr_check_period = 0 sr_check_password = '' # Password for streaming replication check user. # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password sr_check_database = 'postgres' # Database name for streaming replication check delay_threshold = 0 # Threshold before not dispatching query to standby node # Unit is in bytes # Disabled (0) by default # - Special commands - follow_primary_command = '/etc/pgpool2/pgpool_follow_primary.sh %d %h %p %D %m %H %M %P %r %R %N %S' # Executes this command after master failover # Special values: # %d = failed node id # %h = failed node host name # %p = failed node port number # %D = failed node database cluster path # %m = new master node id # %H = new master node hostname # %M = old master node id # %P = old primary node id # %r = new master port number # %R = new master database cluster path # %N = old primary node hostname # %S = old primary node port number # %% = '%' character #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HEALTH CHECK GLOBAL PARAMETERS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ health_check_period = 5 # Health check period # Disabled (0) by default health_check_timeout = 20 # Health check timeout # 0 means no timeout health_check_user = 'keyhub' # Health check user health_check_password = '' # Password for health check user # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password health_check_database = '' # Database name for health check. If '', tries 'postgres' frist, then 'template1' health_check_max_retries = 0 # Maximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up. health_check_retry_delay = 1 # Amount of time to wait (in seconds) between retries. connect_timeout = 5000 # Timeout value in milliseconds before giving up to connect to backend. # Default is 10000 ms (10 second). Flaky network user may want to increase # the value. 0 means no timeout. # Note that this value is not only used for health check, # but also for ordinary conection to backend. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HEALTH CHECK PER NODE PARAMETERS (OPTIONAL) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #health_check_period0 = 0 #health_check_timeout0 = 20 #health_check_user0 = 'nobody' #health_check_password0 = '' #health_check_database0 = '' #health_check_max_retries0 = 0 #health_check_retry_delay0 = 1 #connect_timeout0 = 10000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FAILOVER AND FAILBACK #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ failover_command = '/etc/pgpool2/pgpool_failover.sh %d %h %p %D %m %H %M %P %r %R %N %S' # Executes this command at failover # Special values: # %d = failed node id # %h = failed node host name # %p = failed node port number # %D = failed node database cluster path # %m = new master node id # %H = new master node hostname # %M = old master node id # %P = old primary node id # %r = new master port number # %R = new master database cluster path # %N = old primary node hostname # %S = old primary node port number # %% = '%' character failback_command = '' # Executes this command at failback. # Special values: # %d = failed node id # %h = failed node host name # %p = failed node port number # %D = failed node database cluster path # %m = new master node id # %H = new master node hostname # %M = old master node id # %P = old primary node id # %r = new master port number # %R = new master database cluster path # %N = old primary node hostname # %S = old primary node port number # %% = '%' character failover_on_backend_error = 'on' # Initiates failover when reading/writing to the # backend communication socket fails # If set to off, pgpool will report an # error and disconnect the session. detach_false_primary = on # Detach false primary if on. Only # valid in streaming replicaton # mode and with PostgreSQL 9.6 or # after. search_primary_node_timeout = 0 # Timeout in seconds to search for the # primary node when a failover occurs. # 0 means no timeout, keep searching # for a primary node forever. auto_failback = 'on' # Dettached backend node reattach automatically # if replication_state is 'streaming'. auto_failback_interval = 10 # Min interval of executing auto_failback in # seconds. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ONLINE RECOVERY #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ recovery_user = 'keyhub' # Online recovery user recovery_password = '' # Online recovery password # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password recovery_1st_stage_command = 'pgpool_recovery_1st_stage.sh' # Executes a command in first stage recovery_2nd_stage_command = '' # Executes a command in second stage recovery_timeout = 90 # Timeout in seconds to wait for the # recovering node's postmaster to start up # 0 means no wait client_idle_limit_in_recovery = 0 # Client is disconnected after being idle # for that many seconds in the second stage # of online recovery # 0 means no disconnection # -1 means immediate disconnection #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # WATCHDOG #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - Enabling - use_watchdog = 'on' # Activates watchdog # (change requires restart) # -Connection to up stream servers - trusted_servers = '' # trusted server list which are used # to confirm network connection # (hostA,hostB,hostC,...) # (change requires restart) ping_path = '/bin' # ping command path # (change requires restart) # - Watchdog communication Settings - hostname0 = '' wd_port0 = 9009 pgpool_port0 = 5432 heartbeat_hostname0 = '' heartbeat_port0 = 9694 hostname1 = '' wd_port1 = 9009 pgpool_port1 = 5432 heartbeat_hostname1 = '' heartbeat_port1 = 9694 hostname2 = '' wd_port2 = 9009 pgpool_port2 = 5432 heartbeat_hostname2 = '' heartbeat_port2 = 9694 wd_priority = 1 # priority of this watchdog in leader election # (change requires restart) wd_authkey = '' # Authentication key for watchdog communication # (change requires restart) wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp' # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket # The Debian package defaults to # /var/run/postgresql # (change requires restart) # - Virtual IP control Setting - delegate_ip = '' # delegate IP address # If this is empty, virtual IP never bring up. # (change requires restart) if_cmd_path = '/sbin' # path to the directory where if_up/down_cmd exists # If if_up/down_cmd starts with "/", if_cmd_path will be ignored. # (change requires restart) if_up_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev eth0 label eth0:0' # startup delegate IP command # (change requires restart) if_down_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev eth0' # shutdown delegate IP command # (change requires restart) arping_path = '/usr/sbin' # arping command path # If arping_cmd starts with "/", if_cmd_path will be ignored. # (change requires restart) arping_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I eth0' # arping command # (change requires restart) # - Behaivor on escalation Setting - clear_memqcache_on_escalation = on # Clear all the query cache on shared memory # when standby pgpool escalate to active pgpool # (= virtual IP holder). # This should be off if client connects to pgpool # not using virtual IP. # (change requires restart) wd_escalation_command = '' # Executes this command at escalation on new active pgpool. # (change requires restart) wd_de_escalation_command = '' # Executes this command when master pgpool resigns from being master. # (change requires restart) # - Watchdog consensus settings for failover - failover_when_quorum_exists = on # Only perform backend node failover # when the watchdog cluster holds the quorum # (change requires restart) failover_require_consensus = on # Perform failover when majority of Pgpool-II nodes # aggrees on the backend node status change # (change requires restart) allow_multiple_failover_requests_from_node = off # A Pgpool-II node can cast multiple votes # for building the consensus on failover # (change requires restart) enable_consensus_with_half_votes = off # apply majority rule for consensus and quorum computation # at 50% of votes in a cluster with even number of nodes. # when enabled the existence of quorum and consensus # on failover is resolved after receiving half of the # total votes in the cluster, otherwise both these # decisions require at least one more vote than # half of the total votes. # (change requires restart) # - Lifecheck Setting - # -- common -- wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = '' # Comma separated list of interfaces names to monitor. # if any interface from the list is active the watchdog will # consider the network is fine # 'any' to enable monitoring on all interfaces except loopback # '' to disable monitoring # (change requires restart) wd_lifecheck_method = 'heartbeat' # Method of watchdog lifecheck ('heartbeat' or 'query' or 'external') # (change requires restart) wd_interval = 10 # lifecheck interval (sec) > 0 # (change requires restart) # -- heartbeat mode -- wd_heartbeat_port = 9694 # Port number for receiving heartbeat signal # (change requires restart) wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2 # Interval time of sending heartbeat signal (sec) # (change requires restart) wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30 # Deadtime interval for heartbeat signal (sec) # (change requires restart) # -- query mode -- wd_life_point = 3 # lifecheck retry times # (change requires restart) wd_lifecheck_query = 'SELECT 1' # lifecheck query to pgpool from watchdog # (change requires restart) wd_lifecheck_dbname = 'template1' # Database name connected for lifecheck # (change requires restart) wd_lifecheck_user = 'nobody' # watchdog user monitoring pgpools in lifecheck # (change requires restart) wd_lifecheck_password = '' # Password for watchdog user in lifecheck # Leaving it empty will make Pgpool-II to first look for the # Password in pool_passwd file before using the empty password # (change requires restart) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OTHERS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ relcache_expire = 0 # Life time of relation cache in seconds. # 0 means no cache expiration(the default). # The relation cache is used for cache the # query result against PostgreSQL system # catalog to obtain various information # including table structures or if it's a # temporary table or not. The cache is # maintained in a pgpool child local memory # and being kept as long as it survives. # If someone modify the table by using # ALTER TABLE or some such, the relcache is # not consistent anymore. # For this purpose, cache_expiration # controls the life time of the cache. relcache_size = 256 # Number of relation cache # entry. If you see frequently: # "pool_search_relcache: cache replacement happend" # in the pgpool log, you might want to increate this number. check_temp_table = catalog # Temporary table check method. catalog, trace or none. # Default is catalog. check_unlogged_table = on # If on, enable unlogged table check in SELECT statements. # This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master # thus increases load of master. # If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses unlogged tables # and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off. # Default is on. enable_shared_relcache = on # If on, relation cache stored in memory cache, # the cache is shared among child process. # Default is on. # (change requires restart) relcache_query_target = primary # Target node to send relcache queries. Default is master (primary) node. # If load_balance_node is specified, queries will be sent to load balance node. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # IN MEMORY QUERY MEMORY CACHE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ memory_cache_enabled = off # If on, use the memory cache functionality, off by default # (change requires restart) memqcache_method = 'shmem' # Cache storage method. either 'shmem'(shared memory) or # 'memcached'. 'shmem' by default # (change requires restart) memqcache_memcached_host = 'localhost' # Memcached host name or IP address. Mandatory if # memqcache_method = 'memcached'. # Defaults to localhost. # (change requires restart) memqcache_memcached_port = 11211 # Memcached port number. Mondatory if memqcache_method = 'memcached'. # Defaults to 11211. # (change requires restart) memqcache_total_size = 67108864 # Total memory size in bytes for storing memory cache. # Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'. # Defaults to 64MB. # (change requires restart) memqcache_max_num_cache = 1000000 # Total number of cache entries. Mandatory # if memqcache_method = 'shmem'. # Each cache entry consumes 48 bytes on shared memory. # Defaults to 1,000,000(45.8MB). # (change requires restart) memqcache_expire = 0 # Memory cache entry life time specified in seconds. # 0 means infinite life time. 0 by default. # (change requires restart) memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation = on # If on, invalidation of query cache is triggered by corresponding # DDL/DML/DCL(and memqcache_expire). If off, it is only triggered # by memqcache_expire. on by default. # (change requires restart) memqcache_maxcache = 409600 # Maximum SELECT result size in bytes. # Must be smaller than memqcache_cache_block_size. Defaults to 400KB. # (change requires restart) memqcache_cache_block_size = 1048576 # Cache block size in bytes. Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'. # Defaults to 1MB. # (change requires restart) memqcache_oiddir = '/var/log/pgpool/oiddir' # Temporary work directory to record table oids # (change requires restart) cache_safe_table_list = '' # Comma separated list of table names to memcache # that don't write to database # Regexp are accepted cache_unsafe_table_list = '' # Comma separated list of table names not to memcache # that don't write to database # Regexp are accepted