<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone,<div>What is the best way to get the current replication delay to each backend? In particular I'd like to write a script that checks PGPool's understanding of the replication delay to each backend every ~5-10s and uploads that to Datadog, our infrastructure monitoring service; and I could use some advice on the best way to get that data.</div><div><br></div><div>The two places I've considered are:<br></div><div><ol><li>"replication_delay" shown from <font face="monospace">SHOW POOL_NODES</font></li><ul><li>but I often see 0 for the backends here and am not sure if that means the delay is actually currently 0 or just unknown</li></ul><li>scraping the log lines produced with the <font face="monospace">log_standby_delay = 'always'</font> setting</li><ul><li>these are almost always greater than 0, even when <font face="monospace">SHOW POOL_NODES</font>Â says 0, so my guess is this is a more accurate source</li><li>but I'd prefer something that I can query on-demand, rather than having to scrape the logs</li></ul></ol><div>Please let me know if either of those seem best, or if there's something I haven't considered. Thanks,</div></div><div>Jordan</div><div><br></div></div>