<div dir="auto">Hi,</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">So I check that, after pgpool read the result from cache I found the next step to be was message type ‘1’ parse complete from backend and not sync message from frontend as I expected.</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">Notice that after sync message send to the backend the connection becomes idle. In case the sync message didn’t read from frontend to backend, then the connection becomes idle only after command complete.</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">As I mentioned earlier Sync message not send from frontend to backend in case pgpool read the result from cache. </div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">Could you check that please ? Because what I saw it’s not what you described.</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">Thanks, </div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">Avi.</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 at 4:05 Tatsuo Ishii <<a href="mailto:ishii@sraoss.co.jp">ishii@sraoss.co.jp</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left-width:1px;border-left-style:solid;padding-left:1ex;border-left-color:rgb(204,204,204)" dir="auto">> The issue with the aws performance insights<br>
> Is a result of the way pgpool read frontend packets when cache enabled and<br>
> disabled.<br>
> If we querying pgpool in extended query mode and cache disabled I can see<br>
> the following -<br>
> 1. Read parse from frontend and send to backend.<br>
> 2. Read bind message and send to the backend<br>
> 3. Read describe message and send to the backend<br>
> 4. Read execute message and send to the backend —><br>
> <br>
> Until here the connection is in active state under pg_stats_activity<br>
> <br>
> 5. Read sync message and send to backend. —><br>
> Now the connection moved to idle state.<br>
> <br>
> When cache enabled and the query was found in cache :<br>
> <br>
> 1. Read parse from frontend and send to backend.<br>
> 2. Read bind message and send to the backend<br>
> 3. Read describe message and send to the backend<br>
> 4. Read execute message and send to the backend —><br>
> <br>
> Now pgpool found the query in cache so execute message not send to the<br>
> backend.<br>
> In that case instead of read sync from frontend and update the backend in<br>
> order to move the connection state from active to idle . Pgpool start read<br>
> packet from backend which will be ‘1’, ‘2’ and so on untill<br>
> commandComplete. This behaviour cause the connection to be in active state<br>
> until command complete.<br>
Really? pgpool does not try to read command complete from backend in<br>
this case because the command complete message is part of the cache<br>
After 4 (actually pgpool does not send the execute message to backend<br>
because the cache is there)<br>
1) pgpool read Sync message from frontend and forward to backend.<br>
2) pgpool read from backend and returns '1' (command complete,<br>
  response to parse message), '2' (bind complete, response to bind<br>
  message), Row description (response to describe message) to<br>
3) pgpool returns (without reading from backend) Command Complete and row data (if any).<br>
4) pgpool read ready for query message from backend and returns it to frontend.<br>
  at this point, pg_stat_activity should show 'idle' state.<br>
> I am trying to understand if it’s a bug or it should be like that.<br>
> <br>
> Thanks,<br>
> <br>
> Avi.<br>
> <br>
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2022 at 7:34 Avi Raboah <<a href="mailto:avi.raboah@gmail.com" target="_blank">avi.raboah@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> <br>
>> Thank you for the clarification.<br>
>> On Thu, 15 Sep 2022 at 3:47 Tatsuo Ishii <<a href="mailto:ishii@sraoss.co.jp" target="_blank">ishii@sraoss.co.jp</a>> wrote:<br>
>>> > Hi,<br>
>>> > I am not sure I understood what you mean when you mentioned “close<br>
>>> messageâ€<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > But i’ll try to ask you in a different way.<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > Let look on the following example:<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > 1. Select * from users where id = $1; using extended query. —> miss<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > 2. Now in case i’ll run the same query i’ll get it back from cache.<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > So I am understanding why the parse message should be pass to the<br>
>>> backend<br>
>>> > and not read the result from cache due to that Parse message didn’t<br>
>>> > contains the query params. That’s make sense.<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > But in Bind message the packet already contains the query params. So why<br>
>>> > you can’t read the result from cache here and we need to wait to the<br>
>>> > execute message?<br>
>>> Bind message does not return the "result". It just returns it succeeded<br>
>>> (bind complete message) or failed (error response). The actual result<br>
>>> (which is called "portal") is only in PostgreSQL's memory. So "caching<br>
>>> result of bind message" is almost meaningless.<br>
>>> > One more question is why we need to send the bind message anyway to the<br>
>>> > backend in case we have already the result of the execute message in<br>
>>> cache?<br>
>>> Think about this scenario:<br>
>>> 1. pgpool receives a bind message but finds that the corresponding<br>
>>> query cache exists. So pgpool does not send the bind message to<br>
>>> backend.<br>
>>> 2. In other session the table used in the query has been modified and<br>
>>> the query is gone.<br>
>>> 3. pgpool receives an execute message and tries to extract the query<br>
>>> cache, but it has already gone. However pgpool cannot send the execute<br>
>>> message to backend because the result of bind message (portal) does<br>
>>> not exist in the backend.<br>
>>> > I am asking the above questions because I am looking in the rds<br>
>>> performance<br>
>>> > insights.<br>
>>> > And I can see that in case I am sending a lot of queries concurrently<br>
>>> when<br>
>>> > I have cache enabled I can see a very big wait because of a lot of<br>
>>> > connections in idle ClientRead wait event.<br>
>>> I am not familiar with performance insights and cannot comment on it.<br>
>>> > And I am asking myself why the db needs to know about queries we already<br>
>>> > have in cache?<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > Hope it was clear.<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > Thanks a lot,<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > Avi<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> ><br>
>>> ><br>
>>> > On Wed, 14 Sep 2022 at 2:42 Tatsuo Ishii <<a href="mailto:ishii@sraoss.co.jp" target="_blank">ishii@sraoss.co.jp</a>> wrote:<br>
>>> ><br>
>>> >> > Hi,<br>
>>> >> ><br>
>>> >> > In case query already cached, why in extended query mode the db knows<br>
>>> >> about<br>
>>> >> > that query?<br>
>>> >> > Because in that case pgpool should return the result from the cache<br>
>>> in<br>
>>> >> > order to save db resources.<br>
>>> >> > But I found that although we have the query in cache pgpool still<br>
>>> send<br>
>>> >> > parse and bind request to the db.<br>
>>> >> ><br>
>>> >> > Please share your thoughts ðŸ™<br>
>>> >><br>
>>> >> Yes, Pgpool-II only caches the result of execute message. The main<br>
>>> >> reason is, to not return stale cache. After receiving a close message<br>
>>> >> for the statement or the portal that is bound to the execute message,<br>
>>> >> the cache for the execute message should not be returned. When<br>
>>> >> Pgpool-II receives close messages, they remove the internal record of<br>
>>> >> previpusly received statement or portal. When an execute message<br>
>>> >> arrives, Pgpool-II checks whether the record for the execute message<br>
>>> >> exists. If does not, the request fails. This strategy is simple but<br>
>>> >> works well.<br>
>>> >><br>
>>> >> I think the saving by caching parse message is not small for<br>
>>> >> especially complex queries. But in this case users already reuse the<br>
>>> >> prepared statement anyway.<br>
>>> >><br>
>>> >> I think the saving of bind message is usually small because it does<br>
>>> >> not involve planning in most cases.<br>
>>> >><br>
>>> >> Best reagards,<br>
>>> >> --<br>
>>> >> Tatsuo Ishii<br>
>>> >> SRA OSS LLC<br>
>>> >> English: <a href="http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/</a><br>
>>> >> Japanese:<a href="http://www.sraoss.co.jp" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.sraoss.co.jp</a><br>
>>> >><br>